Feb 14, 2010

This and That

Four works in my new "Beach" series
Each one 880mm x 530mm
Oil on Canvas

Love of Memory

Third work in "Beach" series
880mm x 530mm
Oils on Canvas

Cool Running

Number two in "Beach" series.

880mm x 530mm
Oil on canvas

Schedule of the Sun

First in a series of four... "Beach" Series.
880mm x 530mm
Oil on canvas.

Brunswick Street Gallery
Fitzroy Vic 2065
26th February - 11 March

Feb 5, 2010

I'm getting closer to finishing "Strange Arcade"... I have my paints out ready to go... but instead I need to drive across town and deliver a camera to our IT guy...!!
This shows one of the benefits of oils, I guess. They'll be waiting for me when I return!